Recently @ RIDGE

Recently at RIDGE we’ve dressed up and acted out a life-size mystery game, we’ve driven Herald (the church bus) over pumpkins backwards, we’ve done devos around a campfire, Eben ate a good portion of a pool noodle, we’ve played soccer with pylons on our face, and we’ve laughed a lot. There’s been some unhappy times… getting hit in the face with a soccer ball when you have a hard plastic cone on your nose is not awesome. But mostly it’s been awesome.

We’re working our way through the Bible Projects “How to Read the Bible” and we are all, leaders included, learning a lot about this amazing book!! We 100% recommend digging into their videos about the bible.

Thank you leaders and our trusty RIDGE Roadie for making these nights great and thank you SunRidge for supporting this crew! : )


Exploring God's Creation...


A Body of Many Parts!